Im Rahmen der im Herbst 2014 neu geschaffenen Wissenstransferzentren in Österreich bieten die Universitäten und Fachhochschulen des Wissenstransferzentrum Ost ein interuniversitäres Weiterbildungsprogramm an. Das Veranstaltungssprogramm 2023/2024 des WTZ Ost widmet sich neuen Formen der Erarbeitung, Vermittlung und Verwertung von Wissen.
Supporting interdisciplinary knowledge exchange
onlineThe panel discussion will address different perspectives on Fostering and Supporting Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange. Keynote “The Impact of SSH-STEM Collaboration - A perspective from Algorithmic Humanities” David Budtz Pedersen, Director, Humanomics Research Centre & Professor of Impact Studies, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark The Panelists are: Ronald Maier, Vice-Rector for Digitalisation & Knowledge Transfer, University of Vienna, Austria […]
Hackathon: Digital Solutions for Societal Challenges – Environment & Mobility
Aula am Campus - Universität Wien Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1, Wien, ÖsterreichAre you interested in sustainable innovations in areas such as environment and mobility? Do you want to work in interdisciplinary teams? Do you want to develop ideas to improve living conditions in sustainable cities and communities? Do you want to apply your theoretical knowledge to the development of solutions for current societal challenges? Then apply […]
Hackathon 2023: Vienna Climate Challenge
Aula am Campus - Universität Wien Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1, Wien, ÖsterreichAre you interested in sustainable innovations? Do you want to work in interdisciplinary teams? Do you want to develop ideas to improve living conditions in sustainable cities and communities? Do you want to apply your theoretical knowledge in developing of solutions to current societal challenges? Vienna aims to be climate-neutral by 2040. The Vienna Climate […]